So, why am I creating a blog? I already have a website. Isn't a blog superfluous?
My website is a presentation of my finished, professional work. But I do more than just finished art. I sketch. A lot. And there's no place to put all of these sketches. I would feel very selfish and greedy if I didn't share them with the rest of the world.
But what is the best way to share them? An additional page on my website? A special section on the home page?
Those would work, but a new blog seemed to be a better way. It's informal and journal-like. It will allow me to post work and make comments on them in a chronological, archived manner.

But I have another reason for doing this: I love reading the artist's comments on his work almost more than just looking at the work, so this will give me a chance to create what I love.
I hope you enjoy my posts. I'm going to try to add several each week. You can get a sneak peak at my latest projects and my sketchbook. And boy do I fill a lot of them.
And feel free to link this blog to any and every place. Again, I don't want to be selfish; I want to share.
The two ladies gracing my blog are a couple of sketches I did inspired by the brilliant art of Joe Shuster.